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So True It’s Scary

A Modern Parable Satan called a worldwide convention of demons. In his opening address he said, “We can’t keep Christians from going to church. We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can’t even keep them from forming an intimate...

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In the Box

Inside the Box A poetic glimpse at the history of our churches As the Master stood upon a hill He gave a mission to fulfill. Shine the light into dark spaces, Markets, parties, and unusual places These early disciples were hard to stop As they witnessed in ships,...

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Why Simple Church? A continuation.

If you already read Why Simple Church, you likely understand the many reasons for holding churches in homes rather than institutions. But specifically for North America, there are several other reasons that a house church can provide unhindered ministry potential. As...

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The Simple Church Story, as Told in the Southern Tidings

Simple Church: A Very Old/New Idea Simple Church is a term used to refer to small congregations that primarily meet in homes. These Sabbath home gathering start with a team of four missionary-minded Christians (commonly called a CORE4 missionary team) who focus on...

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Simple Church 3ABN Interview with Founder

Let's be informed to transform! Simple Church tells viewers how the network provides reproducible and cost effective ways of reaching the large cities for Christ. Andrew, Bill and Milton join 3ABN host, John Lomacang, in this interview unlike any Simple Church...

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